Monday, March 16, 2009


I just wish we would never be at this point; but I am lost that I can see myself in. I honestly, tried my best to make it better, but it seems it didn't work out. I wanted to find some other way, but you really didn't help me to figure that way out. I wish you knew at least a little bit of whats going on, and I wish you would've tried to fix it too. I am sure you knew something about it, but always there has been trust issues, which I really don't know why would this issue come up. Trust me, I said what I said, and I promise that I will do my best always to do what I have promised before. If there is a god in this world, then he will help me too...........

1 comment:

Jawed Amir said...

Brother... Allah is always with us, Hope whatever u wanna try for whoever you want it become true and and fulfill your wish... Allah De Jor Wasata...