Monday, October 30, 2006

Letter to Mom

Mom! How can I appreciate you? How can I explain your kindness?
You worth a BIG planet to me. I know how much you love me; I feel how you feel about me, even when I go crazy sometimes; but you know thats your crazy son. :)

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Monday, October 16, 2006

Click Here for Test

Please, if You want to do this test; follow the instructions. Be very careful, and get the result. If you think it is untrure, then don't even botter to Click on it from now.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Meaning of LOVE:

This is what the real meaning of love is for me.

=Land of Sadness .

=Ocean of Tears .

=Voice of Danger .

= End of Life .

copyright @ AJA2006

Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday, October 02, 2006

Here I am agian, I am the one who is really tired of being me. I am the one who always writing about you.
Nothing would be harder for me than being away from you. Away one meter or thousond killometers. I wish you knew it; I wish you would at least realize, that how hard it is. How God has made you to not even realize what happens when a heart breaks.
Creating a new world, with imaginations and thoughts of you. Creating a black world, with blue threes and white clouds. Creating a world of loneliness, which followed me all my life. Years came and past, but you still in the same place. Months and months came and past, but you have the same place in my heart. Here write it down one word to show everyone, who are you.